Learn how to invest in
Tax Foreclosures | Maintenance Fee/ HOA Foreclosures
Judgment Foreclosures | Resales | Struck Off Property
to fix and flip or grow a rental portfolio in our
Tax Foreclosure Digital Course!
Can you relate to these
common concerns?
I want to invest in constable foreclosures but…
- I don’t know anything about foreclosure auctions.
- I’m worried that I don’t know what advice to take or where to even start.
- I’ve already spent time & money on other seminars but don’t feel like I learned enough.
- I think I’m ready to get started but I’m scared to fail.

We have decades of experience teaching hundreds of students just like you

Where do I find the right information & training?
I know there is a lot of information on the internet about investing in constable sales but I’m not sure who to trust.
*Investors have trusted our company for over 50 years!
What steps do I take to get started?
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do first to get started buying
property at the Constable Sale auction.
*Our training is step-by-step instruction for buying tax foreclosures, HOA foreclosures, judgment foreclosures & tax resales that are up for foreclosure at the monthly Constable Sale Auctions!
How much money do I need and how can I protect it?
I’m not sure how much money I need to get started investing in foreclosures or how to avoid losing big on my first deal.
*Our training covers several methods to buy property and most importantly steps you can take to protect your investment!

Meet Amanda!
Think back to 2010. What were you doing? How many kids did you have? Where did you live? Where did you work?
I was doing this.
How about over 20 years ago…in 1999. What were you doing in 1999? Pre-Y2K?!
I was doing this!
You can’t find very many people in any industry that can say that; let alone the foreclosure, flipping, real estate investing industry. Lots of people get into the education/training/mentoring industry but a lot are here today gone tomorrow. Or they come through Texas on a seminar tour but can end up teaching about things that do not apply to Texas tax or property codes.
We have been here in Texas since 1963 doing one thing - foreclosure reporting and education which is why we are trusted experts in the foreclosure investment field. I am the 3rd generation to be working this business 5 days a week, immersed in the Texas foreclosure industry personally for over 20 years!
Not part time, not started out as a side business, not a hobby. This is my passion and I am excited to teach you what I know. Now if that’s not a testimonial I don’t know what is!

Tax Foreclosures
Learn how to buy tax delinquent properties. Details include how to find the properties, title abstracting, lien survivorship & redemption periods plus how to bid, pay and receive title.
Maintenance Fee/HOA Foreclosures
Learn how to buy Maintenance Fee/HOA delinquent properties. Details include how to find the properties, title abstracting, lien survivorship & redemption periods plus how to bid, pay and receive title.
Judgment Foreclosures
Learn about buying Judgment delinquent properties. Details include how to find the properties, title abstracting, lien survivorship & redemption periods plus how to bid, pay and receive title.
Tax Resales
Learn about the advantages to Tax Resale properties. Details include how to find the properties, title abstracting, lien survivorship & redemption periods plus how to bid, pay and receive title.
Module 5
Struck Off & Post Foreclosure Data
Learn how to use post foreclosure data to buy struck off property or how to use for other business opportunities. Also included, how to find, sort & utilize post foreclosure data.
Get Clarity
Learn about the various types of Constable Sales and how those differences can help you choose the investment that's right for you! We will teach you highly actionable, step-by-step methods to buying , flipping, renting and beyond!
Save Time
Learn some of the biggest time-saving strategies that will kick start your foreclosure investing journey now.
Save Money
Learn how various budgets can begin investing. Plus, methods for making the best use of your investment dollar including ways to protect it.

If You Want To…
- Stop searching multiple places to find answers to all of your foreclosure investing questions.
- Start feeling more confident about how Tax, HOA, Judgment & Resale foreclosures work and how you can buy, sell and hold these properties.
- Get started now by using a proven, step by step method so you can learn about monthly Constable Sale Auctions and be ready to buy at the next foreclosure auction!
the value doesn't stop here, you'll also get
Step by step instruction on how to buy tax delinquent foreclosures, maintenance fee HOA foreclosures, judgment foreclosures and resales! This guide is specific to buying tax delinquent property in Texas under the Texas Tax Code.